Sunday, July 6, 2008

More Handcuffing

Jeta, in an attempt to back-pedal more on the disastrous boast about Anonymous plan to handcuff the head of OSA, claims that the plan was only to handcuff her to the reported, totally oblivious that this does not lessen the gravity of the act in the least, then keeps on laughing and boasting more about the fact that she would be forcibly subjected to information she can not be confronted to due to her position in Scientology. :
"Are you so sure about this that you have to shout? Well then, let me tell you something: the TV crew was there to record the event of a KRO reporter handcuffing _himself_ to Julia Rijnvis. Julia is the director of Scientology's dirty tricks department in the Netherlands (called the Office of Special Affairs), the KRO is a Dutch national broadcasting corporation.

Have you noticed the difference between handcuffing someone, as has been stated before, and handcuffing yourself to someone?

The formula of this program is that the reporter stays attached to the person until he gives answers to questions he usually refuse to give. One could, for example, ask Julia: "is this the core of Scientology's secret upper level teachings?" (showing her a print of the OT III story), next to a print of a court document where Scientology claims to have the copyrights on that story.

Julia isn't "clear(tm)" yet (will take her twenty more years in the cult I guess), so you can imagine her reaction. :)"
The excellent reply from Piltdown Man is to be found here. In the meantime, Jeta himself seems to be the subject of some controversy, whereas the one making that controversy seems to be himself the subject of one.

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