Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How to Ignore Your Blog

This title is not from me - I lamely plagiarized it from a regular Scientology blogger who goes by the name of "Kat". I found it witty so here's the almost full quote:
How to Ignore Your Blog
or How to Lose Blog Friends and Cease Influencing Bloggers, in 10 Easy Steps.
By Kat

1. Get burnt out in November by posting every day when you are too busy to do so.

2. Don't think about posting, don't compose posts in your head as you do other things, or hope that something cool happens so you can post about it.

3. Just don't post.

4. Don't reply to the witty comments left by those who are still bothering to visit you.

5. Don't read the blogs of your friends and those you enjoy reading.

6. Don't comment on their blogs when you do read them.

7. When you do comment, leave totally lame and non-witty comments, like, "Ha ha!"

8. Don't Tweet.

9. Spend all your time studying, working, preparing for Christmas, cooking and doing laundry. When you are not doing those things, play with your kids. When the kids are asleep, do more work, finish making Christmas presents, hang out with your husband and read a book. Repeat daily.

10. Take part in cool meme's like Weekly Winners and PhotoHunt, and gets lots of comments, but don't return the favor.

and because you're still reading this, I'll give you an extra -

11. Get your toddler to wake you up at least 5 times a night crying, "Ouch, mommy, my mouf!", for weeks on end, because molars are a bitch. This one especially will help you not feel like blogging or care much to make your life sound even vaguely entertaining enough for others to read. If you're an addict and really feel the need to cut back on your blogging & just can't seem to do it - I'm leasing a very cute toddler for incredibly reasonable rates. Nights only. Inquire within.

That pretty much sums it up.

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