Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Valkyrie - Mixed Reviews with a Positive Trend So Far

With a day or two from the release in theaters, reviews are starting to pour in. On the whole, the so-so initial assessment is confirmed so far, though there will of course be Scientology critics who are going to quote from the ultra negative reviews and claim it is a disaster.

The Metacritic web site now has five reviews, ranging from 63 to 75, making an average of 67% thus far. 75 is not very high but the fact that, so far, nobody gave it a really bad rating is again confirming that the film is not going to be a super hit, but that it is of a solid quality on its own.

IMDB still features the one initial review of Dec 11, giving the film an 8/10 and approved by 39 readers out of 62. All other users review on this site, except one, are overly positive to enthusiast so far. The forum, for its part, with arguments between Scientologists claiming the movie is going to rock, and Scientology critics asking people to boycott the movie (for no better reasons than the fact Tom Cruise is a Scientologist), can be safely ignored.

RottenTomatoes, however, has the most extensive number of professional reviews so far, 28, out of which 16 are positive and 12 are negative, giving a total of 57%. Not that high but also not that bad for such a controversial film and again confirming the trend so far.

From the look of it, thus, it seems that users may end up giving a higher rating than professional critics, even though the later have not really given a bad rating overall.

The big question is, of course, who the hell is going to go and see a war movie on Christmas day or even the following day? By all means, not me. I am going to spend it, as usual, with my family. I am going to see the film, though, but not during Christmas. If other people think like me, we may have to wait a while before making the final accessment on how the film was received by the public.

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