Sunday, January 11, 2009

Magoo's False Justification

Scanning through Tory Christman, alias Magoo, Youtube page, I can only assume that what is below is her answer to the allegation that she lies about presenting only part of the story. It is an assumption that needs to be made since Magoo is actually deleting messages that question her on this point, and bans the posters raising such question!
"I was "in" C of $ for 30 years....and fought the entire "Church" re medication. Yes, I made an affidavit saying I FINALLY won, and the entire "Flag Land Base" was corrected on their confusions re medication. However, it was a 30 year battle, and twice I nearly died.
I don't care what Hubbard says here---he's basically putting down Dr's and always did.
It's ASSumed one *should* be able to "Handle" (Fix) any physical condition, either with auditing, or "Ethics". Ya...right.
Tommy Davis: KMA~

The above is in reply to the Scios asking me over and over if I listened to Hubbard. Yes, I did. He wrote me and said, "Continue in the HGC (getting auditing) and we'll see you up the line once Epilepsy is fixed" (After I was thrown out of their Sea Org, for being on medication). You KNOW from Dianetics up to OT 7---he speaks of "The tech" and how with it, one SHOULD be able to "Fix" any condition. You deny it? SAY IT HERE.
It's so funny that she writes "you deny it? SAY IT HERE" since she banned the poster she is asking to post there!

Now let's see what she writes more closely:
"I was "in" C of $ for 30 years....and fought the entire "Church" re medication.
In 1972 she sent a letter to Hubbard questioning the action of an unqualified staff to force her off her medication and sent her off staff with a huge freeloader bill. Hubbard canceled the expulsion order and told her to get back online!

In 1989 she claims that she appealed the decision of a 15 years old boy to prevent her from doing her OT4 on Flag Land Base. The Senior C/S International allowed her to be audited and to take her medications. Not only that, but a policy was written and the entire Flag Land Base was sent to cramming for their errors in saying she could not be on medications.

What better proof is there that the CoS is NOT against people getting the necessary medication to deal with their seizures?

However, is she saying any of this to the press currently? Read her lies here, here, and here. She is not saying any of this. She is focusing on a small part of the whole story and gives the impression that the CoS is systematically preventing people to take their medications.
"Yes, I made an affidavit saying I FINALLY won, and the entire "Flag Land Base" was corrected on their confusions re medication."
The Flag Land Base was corrected (if we assume all this to be correct) in 1989. Between 1972 and 1989, for a period of nearly twenty years, she was allowed to be online and on staff, going all the way up to OT3, all the while still being on her medication in full view of everybody!

So it is false for her to claim that she "finally" won, as if the 20 years before and 10 years after just did not exist.

Besides, if true that the Flag Land Base was corrected, where is her testimony that now Scientology has been supposedly corrected on that? Why is she giving a totally different picture to the press, claiming that the CoS engages in preventing people from taking their medication?
"However, it was a 30 year battle, and twice I nearly died. "
The second time she "nearly died" was due to a decision that she and she alone took in 1979, with no prodding from any staff nor official from the CoS. She wanted to see if after OT3 she could do away with the medication. Claiming that "twice I nearly died" without mentioning this tiny detail is again trying to blame the CoS for something they had no part into whatsoever.

Now lets take a look at the entire paragraph:
"I was "in" C of $ for 30 years....and fought the entire "Church" re medication. Yes, I made an affidavit saying I FINALLY won, and the entire "Flag Land Base" was corrected on their confusions re medication. However, it was a 30 year battle, and twice I nearly died."
See? She gives the impression that she "Finally won" after she "fought the entire Church" in a "30 year battle" in which she "twice nearly died", and that during all this time she was not allowed to take her medication. She gives the impression that she was only allowed to take again her medication after 30 years. This of course is not true thruth. Not the truth at all!

It just is another lie, that adds up to the ones she is giving to the press presently, that now adds up to her censorship as she does not want people she is deceiving with her video to be disturbed by the facts.


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